Hixonic School Website



The Type equation here.internet-based school management system used by our school is GradeLink. It may be accessed through a link on the school webpage or directly at www.GradeLink.com. Parents and students may access grades, attendance and behavior reports through GradeLink. Because student behavior and attendance will be communicated through GradeLink, it is expected that parents check their email daily OR download the GradeLink app.  Alerts are set up to communicate to parents when a student has an issue with grades, attendance, or behavior.  


A student scheduled to take tests (not quizzes) in three or more courses on a single day may go to the school office to request an extension for the test or tests assigned last (as determined by the school office) bringing the total for one day to tests in no more than two subjects. Students must request this extension at least 24 hours prior to the test being delayed. Students are not permitted to request extensions on tests or quizzes because they are not ready to take them (except after an absence due to illness). 


Exams for students in grades 9 – 12 are held at the end of each school year according to a published schedule. Makeup exams will be permitted for sickness, death in the family, or other circumstances pre-approved through the principal’s office. All rescheduled exams must be approved through the principal’s office. Campus dress expectations continue through exam week. 


Homework is an important aspect of the learning process. It is carefully assigned to help the students gain the most out of their classroom time. All homework is expected to be completed on time, thoroughly and neatly. 

In an effort to respect scheduled vacation times, homework may not be assigned to be completed exclusively over those breaks.  However, students may be required to complete assignments that were previously scheduled.  Likewise, students who are behind in a class may be required to use that time to catch up. 

Cheating and Plagiarism 

Our school does not tolerate cheating of any form. Since the root issue is one of integrity, our school does not distinguish in consequences between cheating on homework, classwork, formal assessments, papers, projects, exams, etc. 

Plagiarism is a form of cheating. Plagiarism, regardless of intent, is the presentation of words or ideas of another as one’s own. For example:  

Collaboration between students – working together on an assignment leading to a mutual and greater understanding where all parties are actively engaged in the learning process and approximately equal contributors is acceptable when given permission by the classroom teacher. Students should take care to understand and follow the expectations of their teachers before collaborating on an assignment. Collaboration that is not approved by the teacher will be considered cheating. 

Because our school takes cheating & plagiarism seriously, any student caught in such offense will be subject to the following conditions.

1st Offense: Student will receive a 0% on any given assignment that was plagiarized or caught cheating on.

2nd Offense: Student will fail the class, and thus be required to take the course again.

3rd Offense: Student will be expelled.

Unexcused/Excused Late Work

Excused late work is any assignment given to a student who has prior approval for an absence or has been called in sick by their parents by 9:00 am. Assignments given during this time are given 1 day per absence to make up work. Example:

if a student was out sick for two days, upon his/her return he/she has two days to complete the assignment for full credit. After the permitted time, assignments are subject to the unexcused late work policy.

Unexcused late work is any work that is turned in late either due to an unexcused absence or to simply failing to turn the assignment in on time. Work turned in under these circumstances is subject to a 10% late deduction per day. Assignments turned in after 4 school days are subject to receive 0% in the grade book. Elementary Grading Scale


Grades 7-12 Grading Scale


Teachers may opt to round up a half percent at their discretion. 

Students who are unable to complete a course by the end of the grading period due to extenuating circumstances may be given the grade of I – Incomplete.  This may only be done after consulting with administration and teachers and after a plan has been made for the student to complete the work.  Once all course work is submitted and scored, the student’s final score will reflect the grade earned. 

Academic Probation

Academic Probation is no way intended to be punitive in nature.  The intent is to provide an opportunity for the student to be able to refocus their attention on their struggling academics which is a high priority for our school.  

Therefore, any student with at least three C’s or one F in any quarter will be placed on academic probation for a minimum of 4 weeks or until the student has demonstrated an improvement of grades.  It is in the best interest that students reach out to teachers when on academic probation to resolve the concern.  Academic Probation will be lifted by recommendation of administration.  Please keep in mind students must maintain a minimum yearly GPA of 2.0 to continue enrollment at our school.

While on academic probation, the student may not be permitted to serve in any leadership or extra-curricular activities.  Examples of these activities are but not limited to: praise band, student council, junior camp counselor in Spiritual Emphasis Camp. 


A score below the 30th percentile compared to national scores on the Terra Nova testing could be grounds for retaining a 1st-8th grade student. Similarly, a grade of F (or lower) in two of the student’s math, reading, and language/writing courses (for 1st-6th grade students) or an F in any two classes (for 7th-8th grade students) could also be considered grounds for retention. The final decision will be made by the principal after consultation with the teacher and consideration of the above criteria. High school students will have to repeat any course for which they receive an average grade of F for the year.  



4 credits               —             English (including American & British Literature)

3 credits               —             Social Studies (World History, US History, ½ credit US Government, ½ credit Economics)

3 credits               —             Math (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 or equivalent)

3 credits               —             Science (Physical Science, Biology, and Chemistry or Physics)

½ credit                —             Health

½ credit                —             Computer Technology

2 credits               —             Foreign Language (2 years of the same language)

½ credit                —             Physical Education

½ credit                –              Speech/Logic

1 credit                 —             Fine Arts (choir, drama or art)

4 credits               —             Bible (this will include 1 credit of Bible for each year in attendance at our school)

2+ credits             –              Electives (more than 2 hours of electives may be required for those lacking Bible credits)

Students who plan to attend university are encouraged to take more than the minimum required credits.

*Students are ultimately responsible to keep track of credits earned to assure that they are on track to graduate. *  Full-time students are expected to be enrolled in five courses each semester with a maximum of two study halls. 

Students shall receive one credit for a year-long course and half of a credit for a semester-long course. For courses which last the entire school year, the student must complete the entire course with a passing grade in order to receive credit; no credit will be given for completing only one semester. Exception: Missionary students who have moved to Puebla and transfer to our school in the middle of the year may receive a half credit for previously completed semesters. our school reserves the right to deny transfer credit for entering high school students. Courses for which a student may receive transfer credit are expected to be equivalent to our school courses; students may be required to take an exam to prove proficiency: the principal will make the final determination of equivalence. 

Any full-time student 10th grade or younger must take all his courses at our school (i.e. not through a homeschool or outside institution) without an exception from the board. Juniors and seniors will be allowed to take one elective (i.e. non-core) course each semester outside of our school and receive transfer credit with pre-approval from the office.

In order to receive a diploma at our school, students must earn at least 25% of their credits at the school and attend their final semester at our school. Exceptions may be made for missionary students arriving in Puebla for the second semester of their senior year.


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